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"No Avatar Selected"

Hi there...

Just wondered what hack does that the "No Avatar Selected"-avatar shows up when the user didn't choose an avatar.

I have quite some hacks installed on my forum, and I have the "No Avatar" picture in my forum directories (/images/avatar/noavatar.gif)

Yep, that one ;-)
But what is the postbit code for make it show up or the maybe PHP file to edit/fix.

I THINK I had it working before, just forgot about it I think.
Can I have a link for a thread where I can install a hack that does it, or an instruction on how to "activate" it, since I might have the hack already.


- KrisP (Catch me when I'm falling. I would have done it for you.)

open admin/functions.php


$post[avatar] = "";

replace with

$post[avatar] = "<img src='url here'>";

regards :p see if that works ;) didn't test it...


Well that sure did f**k it up.

Thanks, but it didn't work.

- KrisP (Hi strange. Can I help you?)

ehh... looks like it should have worked to me? can you give me a screenshot of what you got? regards...


It get a all messed up thread if I view a thread after putting that in.

By the way, there is no:
$post[avatar] = "";
only a

Help plz!

- KrisP (It's getting hotter...)

And you're sure that you're doing this in admin/functions.php?

the code may look slightly different :P but its a:


maybe ;)


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